Saturday, January 30, 2010

Using Blogs in the classroom

Blogging is new to me i never thought that i would use blogs. Now though i think that can be helpful. They can keep the kids in touch outside of school. Let People voice their opinion on the subject and let students have discussions over the material that is being posted. It gets the kids thinking outside the box. I will also grant students to see information other students have come up with that they might not have seen.

Blogging can be a waste of time if don't prepare the students and show them how they are suppose to do it correctly. You would also want to make sure they knew what you were looking for out of the blogs.

You could use the technology ideas from chapter 6 in many ways. i liked the wiki thing that the history teacher did. It helped to show the students that there is consequences with every decision you make some good some bad. i think that these technologies can be used to help students get a hands on approach to learning. They don't have to sit in a classroom all day and get lectured to. they can go out and put what they have learned into use.


My name is ross scholta i live in cooper tx. Cooper is about 15 minutes east of commerce it is a small farming community. There is not much to do around here except for hunt, fish and work. I enjoy the outdoors so that is where i spend most of my time. Hunting with my friends. I am an All Level Kinesiology major i want to teach and coach when i graduated from school.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My name is Ross