Friday, March 5, 2010

week 7

Well i believe in some class rooms you can match the technology but in my classroom which is PE i dont think you can use the same technologies.

I think you can use text messaging in some cases. I believe that it can help to excite them in class but if you use it all the time i believe it can loose its luster with the kids.

For some students the text based might be better for them. i know i dont like to speak up in class this way they can just email the teacher or text them with their quesion. however in physical education class there is no place for it in my opinion.

Im up in there air on this one i think it could be good or bad it just depends on the kids that you have. Maybe its still just another way to passivily distribute info if i had to answer.

In PE there is no way a video game can help. you have to get out there and do it sitting on your butt all day is never good. i woud not let my children sit around and play video games all day they need to be out getting excersise.

Friday, February 19, 2010

personality types

I do believe that students personality has a big part to do with their learning styles. Every one acts differently and thus they learn in different ways. Knowing a kids personality would be a very benifitial to the teacher to help set up activities for the student to learn better.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

excel blog

A spread sheet is valueabe tool to use a teacher. As seen in the gradebook assignment it makes things easier to keep in order and calculate info. This tool makes things alot easier on teachers before you would have to do all this by hand. Time is saved by using spreadsheets. I will use spreadsheets for sure in my classroom.

The spreadsheet is used to make things simpler and quicker. a spreadsheet is better than a calculator because it saves time. you dont have to go through and look back at your grade book to get the grades and then enter it into the calculator. The computer takes the info already entered and with simple functions you get the calculations. I think the functions of the spreadsheet are a great tool. they make life so much simpler by taking away some of the responsibility of teachers. who already have a busy work load.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Inspiration post

I found that this inspiration software can make doing projects alot simpler. It has everything you need on one program to do your project. It gives you simpe branstorming map and outlines. It can take the information from the map and turn it into note format, an if you want it can do the whole power point if you want. You mayuse inspiration in class to do projects. You shouldnt use it every time it can take away from the kids learning.

Working in groups in my opinion is the best way to use technology in the classroom. This way they get to learn from their own mistakes and the mistakes of others and get feed back from your peers. you could use all those web sites and programs to help the kids but i believe working with people is the best way. You could have your kids post their papers on web site or a blog for them to get feedback from other people. Teaching a new subject is difficult sometimes after i taught it i felt like i knew the subject better.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Using Blogs in the classroom

Blogging is new to me i never thought that i would use blogs. Now though i think that can be helpful. They can keep the kids in touch outside of school. Let People voice their opinion on the subject and let students have discussions over the material that is being posted. It gets the kids thinking outside the box. I will also grant students to see information other students have come up with that they might not have seen.

Blogging can be a waste of time if don't prepare the students and show them how they are suppose to do it correctly. You would also want to make sure they knew what you were looking for out of the blogs.

You could use the technology ideas from chapter 6 in many ways. i liked the wiki thing that the history teacher did. It helped to show the students that there is consequences with every decision you make some good some bad. i think that these technologies can be used to help students get a hands on approach to learning. They don't have to sit in a classroom all day and get lectured to. they can go out and put what they have learned into use.


My name is ross scholta i live in cooper tx. Cooper is about 15 minutes east of commerce it is a small farming community. There is not much to do around here except for hunt, fish and work. I enjoy the outdoors so that is where i spend most of my time. Hunting with my friends. I am an All Level Kinesiology major i want to teach and coach when i graduated from school.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My name is Ross